Shipment Object Details
Shipment Schema
Key | Type | Required | Description |
| String | N.A. Included in API response | Primary Key of the user object. |
| String | Yes | Style ID of card. Go to Intro to Spec Sheets to learn more. |
| String | Yes. Not included in response. | ID of the node where the shipment fee should be charged. This can only be a node that is linked to your user ID or the end user's user ID. |
| String | No | Name of the card holder. By default grabbed from the base document. |
| String | No | Optional field to include with as an additional line beneath the cardholder name (e.g. a business name). |
| String | N.A. Included in API response | Address street where the shipment was sent. By default grabbed from the base document unless |
| String | N.A. Included in API response | Address city where the shipment was sent. By default grabbed from the base document unless |
| String | N.A. Included in API response | Address state where the shipment was sent. By default grabbed from the base document unless |
| String | N.A. Included in API response | Address zipcode where the shipment was sent. By default grabbed from the base document unless |
| String | N.A. Included in API response | ISO Alpha-2 formatted Address country code where the shipment was sent. By default grabbed from the base document unless |
| String | N.A. Included in API response | When address taken from |
| String | N.A. Included in API response | Subnet ID associated with the shipment. |
| String | Yes | Delivery speed of the shipment. Go to Possible delivery Values. |
| String | N.A. Included in API response | Carrier of the shipment. Go to Possible delivery_carrier Values. |
| String | N.A. Included in API response | Tracking number of the shipment. Only avaliable if delivery is |
| String | N.A. Included in API response | Unix timestamp (in ms) value of when the shipment was created. |
| String | N.A. Included in API response | Status of the shipment. Go to Possible status Values. |
Possible delivery
ValuesValue | Description |
| Shipment will go through regular mail. |
| Shipment will go through regular mail with tracking. |
| Shipment will be expedited for faster delivery. |
| Shipment will be spent overnight. |
Possible delivery_carrier
ValuesValue | Description |
| Delivery Carrier for this shipment is USPS. |
| Delivery Carrier for this shipment is FedEx. |
| Delivery Carrier for this shipment is UPS. |
Possible status
ValuesValue | Description |
| Shipment has been created but not shipped yet. |
| Shipment has been issued to the card printer. |
| Shipment has been accepted by our card printer. |
| Shipment has been shipped. |
| Shipment was shipped but returned. |
| Shipment was canceled and not shipped. |
Last updated